After Repossession...
Below are our articles on the subject of After Repossession. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Can Anything be Done Once your Home has been Repossessed?
What borrowers can do after eviction takes place. The courts’ powers to allow borrowers back into their homes, negotiating with the lender and retrieving belongings....

Finding Somewhere to Live
How to find somewhere to live after eviction. Finding the money to pay for alternative accommodation and the organisations that can help people threatened with…...

Liability for Mortgage Shortfalls
What happens when a property is repossessed and the sale proceeds do not cover the mortgage debt, and what can be done to avoid being taken to court....

Repossession and Squatters
Squatters or trespassers - how they can be evicted from a property and how they can become the legal owners of a property they occupy....

What Happens When Lenders Sell Repossessed Properties?
What happens when a property is repossessed and sold by a mortgage lender. The lender’s responsibilities to the borrower and the way in which the sale proceeds are…...